Sunday, February 12, 2017

Prevent Vacation Hangovers

What do vacations and holidays have in common?  It's usually that terrible feeling you get when you step on the scale the morning after.  I left two things behind when I visited my family last week, my laptop and my weight scale.  I wasn't looking forward to the scale reunion but I do have something pleasant to report – there's no hangover.  Yes, the same childhood temptations were there but I went on vacation armed with an increased food awareness and it made a difference.

If you want to avoid a food hangover after your vacation,  pay attention to the details.  Skip the chips at the Mexican Food restaurants.  Ask your food server if there are other options besides what's on the menu.  I limit my liquids to water and wine and that seems to make a difference.  Desserts don't have to be off limits if you're willing to share or perhaps stick with dark chocolate.  Have fun while you're on vacation and exercise caution at every meal so you can say good-bye to the vacation hangover forever.  Have a great day.

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