Thursday, August 17, 2017

An Important Food Lesson from Your Ancestors

Do you know how much sugar your ancestors consumed 10,000 years ago?  20 teaspoons per year.  That's the equivalent of one big gulp every two years.  Never before in human history have we consumed so much high fructose corn syrup and sugar – 140 pounds a year!  Is it any wonder why we are so sick?

The food industry will do everything to convince you high fructose corn syrup is not harmful.  My bet is that if a caveman ate and drank what we drink, he would be forced to give up hunting and gathering because his body would no longer be able to function.  He would die.  So will you if you keep it up.  Do yourself a favor and learn one food lesson from your ancestors – cut out high fructose corn syrup for 30 days.  Check all the labels.  Don't buy any product containing high fructose corn syrup.  The first week may be hell but don't give up.  If your ancestors can do it, you can do it.  Have a great day.

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